35 events found.
Latest Past Events
Central Alberta Valley – Lodge of Perfection
You are invited to attend Central Alberta Valley’s Virtual Gathering and Festive Boardusing ZOOM. Join before 7:30 p.m. MST for some social time, and be ready to go whenthe meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. Please have any jokes or stories ready for festive boardimmediately after the meeting. If you haven't received instructions to join this
Barrie Valley – “Freemasonry And The Underground Railroad”
Ill Bro. Moises Gomez, 33°, of Westield, NJ is employed by the NY Port Authority and isthe Historian of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. He has travelled across the USA andother countries presenting his 911 and Underground Railroad talks and has receivednumerous masonic honours. We are thrilled to welcome back Moises Gomez to enjoyhis