What are we about?
For over two centuries the Scottish Rite has been the medium for many Master Masons to reflect upon their relationship with their faith, their fellow man and with themselves. It enables Master Masons to add to their Masonic knowledge and to witness colourful Scottish Rite ‘degrees’ which are dramatic presentations portraying the philosophy of Freemasonry. The Scottish Rite delves further into Masonic teachings and is meant to provide more insight into living a more meaningful way of life for a Master Mason and his family. It also includes enjoying the friendships and association with a larger and wider cross-section of like-minded men and their families.
The Valley of Calgary consists of three bodies, each responsible for certain degrees. The Calgary Lodge of Perfection covers the 4th through to the 14th degree; the Delta Chapter of Rose Croix covers the 15th through to the 18th degree; and the Southalta Consistory covers the 19th through to the 32nd degree.
We meet at Freemasons Hall in Calgary, AB, on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month except from July to August.
This video provides some insight from members of Scottish Rite that can answer some of your initial questions: The Masonic Journey Continues.
Please browse our site for more information, and reach out to us if you are interested in learning more or ask specific questions about the Valley of Calgary or Scottish Rite in general, a brother will get back to you as soon as possible. info@valleyofcalgary.ca.