15° Knight of the East or Sword
16° Prince of Jerusalem
17° Knight of the East and West
18° Knight Rose Croix
The Delta Chapter of Rose Croix confers the 15th to 18th degrees inclusively. The 15th and 16th degrees relate to the rebuilding of the Second Temple of Zerubbabel. The 17th and 18th degrees are a recognition of the Christian ethics in universal terms, thus assisting in the building, in our hearts, of the Third Temple, not made with hands. The 18th degree is supplemented by the beautiful Maundy Thursday and Easter ceremonies. The 15th and 18th degrees are obligatory.
Principal Officers:
Most Wise Sovereign: Ill. Bro. Nathan Zorn, 32°
1st General: Ill. Bro. Jeff Hood, 32°
2nd General: Ill. Bro. Barry Hannah, 32°