4° Secret Master
5° Perfect Master
6° Intimate Secretary
7° Provost and Judge
8° Intendant of the Building
9° Elect of the Nine
10° Elect of the Fifteen
11° Elect of the Twelve
12° Grand Master Architect
13° Royal Arch of Solomon
14° Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason
The Calgary Lodge of Perfection confers the 4th to the 14th degrees inclusively. These degrees continue the story of the building of King Solomon’s Temple, and amplify and conclude the legend of the Master Mason degree. They are designed to impress more forcefully the teachings of the first three degrees. The 4th, 5th, 7th, 13th and 14th degrees are obligatory. The others, if not given in full, are “communicated” by obligation and explained.
Principal Officers:
Thrice Puissant Grand Master: Ill. Bro. Gary James, 32°
Senior Grand Warden: Ill. Bro. Paul Senychych, 32°
Junior Grand Warden: Ill. Bro. Larry Gent, 32°