Valley of Calgary – Festive Board
Zoom MeetingIf you haven't received a link to join this meeting, please email the Secretary of the Valley of Calgary (
Valley of Calgary – Regular Business Meeting
Zoom MeetingIf you haven't received a link to join this meeting, please email the Secretary of the Valley of Calgary (
Valley of Calgary – Education Night (Zoom Meeting)
You are cordially invited to join our November 15, 2021 education night presentation titled "A Masonic Tour of Israel" presented by Ill. Bro. Murray Pay 33°. The presentation documents an informative …
Valley of Calgary – Future of CFMH & CMTB
This is a special meeting to discuss the facts related to the future of Calgary Freemasons Hall (CFMH) and the Calgary Masonic Temple Board (CMTB). Chaired by our Most Wise …
Lethbridge Valley – Zoom Meeting
We encourage all members of the Valley of Calgary to join the Lethbridge Valley meeting for some great fellowship and education. If you haven't received a link or instructions to …
Barrie Valley – “Freemasonry And The Underground Railroad”
Ill Bro. Moises Gomez, 33°, of Westield, NJ is employed by the NY Port Authority and isthe Historian of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. He has travelled across the …
Central Alberta Valley – Lodge of Perfection
You are invited to attend Central Alberta Valley’s Virtual Gathering and Festive Boardusing ZOOM. Join before 7:30 p.m. MST for some social time, and be ready to go whenthe meeting …