Barrie Valley – “Freemasonry And The Underground Railroad”
Ill Bro. Moises Gomez, 33°, of Westield, NJ is employed by the NY Port Authority and isthe Historian of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. He has travelled across the …
Central Alberta Valley – Lodge of Perfection
You are invited to attend Central Alberta Valley’s Virtual Gathering and Festive Boardusing ZOOM. Join before 7:30 p.m. MST for some social time, and be ready to go whenthe meeting …
Hamilton Valley – Education Committee
Freemasonry and Mental Health: The work of Bro. Adam Mills (UGLE), presented by Bro.Mitchell Allison. Dress Code: Business or Smart Casual. Scheduled speakers may choose to wear a jacketand tie. …
Montreal Valley – Vallée de Montreal: A summary of the 14th degree (French)
Author: Ill. Bro. Kaled Al Madini, 33° and presented by Ill. Bro. Jacques Ruelland, 33° This Lecture summarizes the ceremony, moral, philosophical, and spiritual teachings,and other aspects of the 14th …
Toronto Valley – Presentation: Night at the Rite
A Master Mason’s presentation of a portion of the 15th Degree from the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction will be shown. Open to all Master Masons.Dress Code: Business or Smart Casual. If …
Vancouver Valley – “Freemasonry and the Underground Railroad”
Ill. Bro. Moises Gomez 33° of Westfield, New Jersey has been employed by the PortAuthority of NY & NJ for 32 years as a member of the Emergency Services Unit …
Barrie Valley – “Aprons and Gloves, From History To Symbology”
Presented by Ill. Bro. Massoud El Baini, 32°.Massoud El Baini, is a commercial account manager for a major Canadian bank. Heresides in Montreal, QC, and is a highly regarded keynote …